From the kitchen — Menstruation

Why Women’s Nutritional Needs Are Different from Men’s

Why Women’s Nutritional Needs Are Different from Men’s

More and more people are becoming aware that women’s nutrition needs are often quite different from men’s? So the next question to ask is, "why?". While we all need the same basic nutrients to stay healthy, things like hormones, body composition, and life stages can really shape how our bodies respond to food. Let’s break down why women’s nutrition needs are unique, and how we can support our bodies with the right foods at every stage of life. 1. Body Composition — More Fat, Less Muscle One of the biggest differences between men and women is body composition. On average, women have a...

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What is cycle syncing?

What is cycle syncing?

Cycle syncing, also known as menstrual cycle syncing, was first coined by Alice Vitti, an expert in women's hormones and integrative nutrition, in her book “Woman Code” in 2014. Cycle syncing is the practice of aligning parts of your life, tailoring your diet, exercise, sleep patterns, based on the different phases of your menstrual cycle to benefit hormone balance and reduce symptoms that are commonly associated with hormone fluctuations...

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Supporting Week 2 of your Cycle — What Else To Eat

Supporting Week 2 of your Cycle — What Else To Eat

During the late follicular phase, focus on eating protein-rich foods, which can help support muscle growth and repair. It is also important to include adequate fibre during this stage to support the body’s metabolism of oestrogen. We recommend adding these food items to your shopping list for the late follicular phase…

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Supporting Week 1 of your Cycle — What Else To Eat

Supporting Week 1 of your Cycle — What Else To Eat

To support your health and well-being during this phase, focus on eating foods that are high in fibre, iron, zinc, and antioxidants. These foods can help alleviate bloating and support overall health. In addition to your Week 1 Trophi Meals Pack, we recommend adding these food items to your shopping list during this phase...

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