Menstruation Phase (Days 0 - 7)
What’s happening in this phase? The menstrual phase begins the day bleeding starts and typically lasts three to seven days. During this phase, oestrogen and progesterone are low, the lining of the uterus is shedding, and it is common to feel low in energy and mood.
How can my Trophi Meals help? Your Week 1 Trophi meals have been crafted with mineral-rich, deeply nourishing foods high in Iron to replenish the body from blood loss, and Vitamin C to promote the absorption of Iron. Magnesium providing many benefits, one being it acts as a muscle relaxant to help ease cramping, this essential mineral is incorporated into your Trophi meals in the form of pumpkin seeds, almonds and cashews nuts.
Week One Meals PackLate Follicular Phase (Days 8 - 13)
What’s happening in this phase? The late follicular phase technically lasts from menstruation to ovulation, but for cycle-syncing purposes, it starts as soon as bleeding ends and lasts until ovulation, around 7 to 10 days. During this phase, oestrogen starts to rise steadily, which tends to come with a much needed boost in mood and energy.
How can my Trophi Meals help? Your Week 2 Trophi meals are rich in vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc. The pumpkin seeds and ground flax seeds are there due to their high levels of the phytoestrogens, in particular lignans, they also boast important omega 3 fatty acids which are powerful anti-inflammatories, incorporating these into your diet can help to reduce inflammation, which can contribute to symptoms of PMS (premenstrual symptoms) later in your cycle.
Week Two Meals PackOvulation Phase (Days 14 - 17)
What’s happening in this phase? The ovulation phase typically takes place 14 days (give or take) after the first day of your period and around 14 days before your next period. This is when an egg is released from an ovary and travels to the fallopian tube.
How can my Trophi Meals help? Your Week 3 Trophi meals focus on fibre and gut support to aid in the removal of excess estrogen. Vegetables like cauliflower, onion and garlic support glutathione production which aids the liver's detoxification of excess hormones. We have packed in loads of other fibre rich plant foods such as wholegrains, nuts, seeds and legumes these will contribute to the regular elimination and overall health of your gut.
Week Three Meals PackLate Luteal Phase (Days 18 - ~28)
What's happening in this phase? The late luteal phase is commonly associated with PMS as your body prepares for your next period. Symptoms can include mood changes, skin inflammation, headaches, breast tenderness and bloating.
How can my Trophi Meals help? Your Week 4 Trophi meals are packed with plenty of nutrient dense, energy stabilising foods. Magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B6 support progesterone production, stablise blood sugar and optimise digestion. During luteal phase we love to eat sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, quinoa, mushrooms, and legumes these all aid in creating a healthy uterine lining.
Week Four Meals Pack